Saturday, April 16, 2011

one day!

One day of warm(er) sunny weather. That is all we have had so far this spring. Spring in the Willamette Valley is usually rainy, but we usually have some days of beautiful sunny weather. Not this year. So far, we have had record breaking cold, record breaking levels of rain, and only one day that seemed warm and spring like. My new motto is "Don't complain", and so, with that in mind, I will say no more about the really cold, wet, gray spring. Really. In a non complaining kind of way, I am really praying for some warm, sunny days. We need the fruit trees to pollinate, and that will not happen if we do not get some warmer weather. Last year, we got almost no plums, Asian pears, pears, or quince. I was only able to can thirty six quarts of peaches, and those were gone by December. I think we are all feeling edgy and a little bit cross, as if we needed to get outside and run around soaking up some sunshine. So! I am off to make a big pot of soup to warm the farmer when he comes in. It is that cold!


  1. Sending warm thoughts your way! I am warm and humid along with a whole lot of wind. There is suppose to be a storm on it's way and we are under a tornado watch. My husband is out of town along with the 18 year old. It is just me and the 13 year old and I have been doing a lot of heavy praying. I need to prepare for Holy Week, but am having a hard time focusing. Enjoy your soup.

  2. I will send prayers your way! Those tornado watches are scary.

  3. I know that I live in the sunny part of Oregon but we are suffering a bit here too. We haven't had the same amount of rain as you but neither have we had much sun this spring. I too am trying not to complain and I know that once it comes it's here! But I am getting so tired of soup...

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. Yes!That is exactly it-I am getting sick of soup! I really want a bowl of fresh berries and a lovely salad and a plum tart! Hope you get some sun soon!
