Thursday, March 31, 2011

blooms and growing things!

I finally got a window of opportunity to take some pictures around the farm. We have not had rain for almost 24 hours now, and it had been a nice change! The first picture is of our little quince trees. We have a lot of Russian customers, and they love quince. Quince have an unusual flavor, and make good jam. Next up is an apple tree, and as I was taking pictures, I saw bees flying around doing their job of pollinating-good bees! The next picture is of a raspberry vine, just beginning to grow nice green leaves. By the time they are ready to pick, the bushes will be taller than I am (5'10") and loaded with little ruby jewels. The tulips in my front garden are shown next, and I am so happy that they will bloom soon! Love tulips. The next picture shows what the farmer has been working on lately, which is dividing bulbs and perennials to pot up and sell. In this picture you see mostly day lilies. We move on to the plum tree row. Last year we had hardly any plums, and I am really hoping for a bumper crop this year. We all love plums. The next picture is of a blossom on a blueberry bush. I am just seeing a handful of open blossoms now, but in just a week or two the field will be a sea of creamy pinkish blossoms. Blueberry bushes are lovely all year round, from the pretty blossoms to the green leaves and purplish fruit, through fall when the leaves and branches turn shades of crimson and gold. The last picture is another plum tree, with the silo in the background. I hope you have enjoyed the tour of blooming things on our farm!


  1. Looks like spring has arrived on your farm! Everything looks so pretty. You now have me wondering if quince will grow here; something to look into. Oh, and your's here. It has been pouring buckets! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I did enjoy my tour very much, thank you! Especially since we are still pretty weak in the green this season. It looks like you have your hands full. I blush to tell you I have only a couple of raised beds to garden...Still, I look forward to it! Blessings, Debbie

  3. I am glad you enjoyed it. We do have our hands full, but the nice thing is that we have winters off!!! Even a few raised beds are a lot of work-my father always had a few and they kept him happily busy!
