Sunday, June 19, 2011

strawberry season begins

It is finally here! U-pick strawberries begin tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. There are usually cars lined up waiting to get in by around 6:30, and always customers waiting for me by the time I get to the stand by 6:45. The next two weeks will be pretty intense for us, with hundreds of phone calls and customers a day. The store selling already picked fruit is open from 9-6, and we also sell produce and baked goods. Unfortunately, the strawberries do not look good this year. My husband says that this is the worst looking crop he has ever seen, and he is usually an optimist. The weather was cold, the berries did not set well, and neither plants or berries are as big as usual. They will still taste delicious, but I am worried that our customers will be disappointed. We usually have big, beautiful berries, and bushy shiny green plants that look healthy and vigorous. Not so this year, and I know we will have lots of comments about this fact! I hope people understand that we have done our best, and that hopefully next year will be better. In other words, don't give up on us!


  1. I really think that everyone know what a weird year this is. There may be some disappointment but definitely understanding. I Just sent up a prayer for you! That people would be wonderful and so would your day...

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. Thank you for the prayers! People were understanding, and we did not have any negative comments! People were great, and so happy to have strawberries again!

  3. Hello Mrs. F,
    Thanks for the visit to my blog and if you could right a book on frugal and healthy recipes using whole foods you should!!! The word needs to get out that the fake food alot of people are buyng is nothing short of toxic.
